
How to Adjust Inventory Item in BMO Online Inventory System Malaysia

Sometimes, a company will need to make item adjustment accordingly in the inventory. There are many many circumstances where you have to adjust your inventory items manually. E.g. Product damage, store theft, stock count discrepancy in your physical count or as simple as data entry mistake.

Our BMO Online Inventory System Malaysia provides stock adjustment to adjust serial item, physical control item, composite item and normal item.

1. For the beginning of the adjustment, go to “Item > Adjust > New Stock Adjust”.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 1

2. Fill in the “Adjustment Info”.

Adjustment InfoDescription
Adjust NoCan not change. It will created by the BMO online system automatically.
Setup HereTo modify the Stock Adjust Template.
Adjust DateDate for adjustment of the item.
Adjust By Person who done the adjustment.
Sales DocumentDocument for adjustment
Adjust Type
-Customer Returno increase on hand quantity if a customer return an item. There is no money or return involve. If money return involve, we need to open credit note
to the customer.
-OtherFor other adjust type
-Stock CountTo change the quantity at item on hand.
-Write OffTo reduce the stock and put negative quantity at the quantity field to decrease the item on hand.
Inventory LocationSelect the inventory location for adjustment of the item.
Item CodeSelect the item which want to adjust.

3. After user selects the“Item Code”, the item details (location, item code, description, serial number(if any), fixed cost, average cost, on hand quantity and Stk value) and the adjust box (Adjust quantity, Reason and Quantity) will be shown . In “Adjust” section, enter the quantity that user want to adjust in “Adjust Qty”. For example, 9 means increase 9 items (on hand item increase) while -9 means move 9 items reduce from inventory (on hand item decrease).

4. Click on “Adjust” to adjust the item.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 2

5. A notification will pop up to inform you that the item is adjusted successfully. Click on “OK”.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 3

Adjustment For Serial Item

1. For adjustment of serial item, user must select “Item Code” which has the serial number.

2. After user enter the adjust quantity then select the serial item code that wanted to adjust, click on “Adjust”.

Reminder: User cannot increase the serial quantity here. For example, if we set the “Adjust quantity” as 1.00 for increase 1 unit of voucher as shown in the Illustration 4 below, 2 pop up notifications will inform you that user is not allowed increase serial item quantity by using this method.

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bmo-inventory-adjustment-item-4BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 4

BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 5

BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 6

3. We just can decrease the serial item here. So, we set the adjust quantity as -1.00 for decrease the quantity of the serial item quantity.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 7

4. 2 pop up notifications will inform user that serial item has been adjusted successfully. Click on “OK” for both notification.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 8

BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 9

5. Reminder: Adjust number and the number of serial selected must be equal. If not, adjustment will not be success. Example will show from Illustration 10 to Illustration 12.

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BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 10

6. A notification will pop up to tell user about the adjust quantity and number of serial. Click on “OK”.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 11

7. Another notification will pop up to remind user that the adjustment has failed because serial selected is not equal to the adjust quantity inserted. Click on “OK”.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 12

Adjustment For Physical Control Item

1. When creating a new item, you can decide either to set the item as a physical control item or a normal item. Also, you can only adjust the physical control item if the quantity of physical item do not become a negative number after adjustment.

2. Fill in adjustment info. Please make sure the item is physical control item and not out of stock. After that, click on “Adjust”.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 13

3. A notification will pop up to remind user that adjustment of physical control item successfully done.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 14

4. Illustration below shows the example of the failed adjustment because you want to reduce physical control item which has zero on hand quantity.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 15

5. 2 notifications will pop up to inform you that the failed adjustment for the physical item which has zero on hand quality. Click on “OK” to dismiss both notifications.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 16

BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 17

Adjustment For Normal Item

1. The steps for adjusting normal item is same as adjustment of the physical control item. The major difference of adjusting physical control item is you can still reduce the quantity of the normal item although on hand quantity is less than zero.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 18

2. A notification will pop up to inform you that the adjustment for normal item is successfully done. Click on “OK” to dismiss message.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 19

Adjustment For Composite Item

For composite item, in “Item Code” choose the composite item that you want to adjust.
There are four types of adjustment choice (Composite Operation) that you can choose for the composite item, such as “unpack”, “pack”, “deduct” and “increase”.

Composite OperationDescription
Reminder: Adjust quantity for unpack must be negative because we reduce quantity of on hand composite item.
To reduce the quantity on hand for composite item but increase the elements
item on hand. To unpack the composite item, user need check the “Unpack items when this Package is released” (shown in Illustration 20 below) when created this composite item. If not, the composite item can not be unpacked.
Reminder: Adjust quantity for unpack must be positive because we increase quantity of on hand composite item.
To pack and increase composite item from current item on hand.
DeductTo deduct the composite item directly.
IncreaseTo increase the composite item directly.

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BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 20

1. Fill in the adjustment info. For composite item, user must select the type of the composite operation. After that, click on “Adjust” to adjust composite item.

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BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 21

2. A notification will pop up to inform users that the adjustment is successfully done.

Please click on image to view clearer.
BMO Inventory Adjustment Item 22

If you need further assistance please contact us!
Person incharge: KK Leong
Mobile Number: +6014 602 8442
Hotline: 1800 87 7061
Office Number: +603-27803880 / +603-7980 1388 / +604 642 0621