Create New Price

How to Set a Minimum Price onto An Item

When your company is selling various products, you tend to forget the lowest price for a particular item. This may cause some problem as the discounted price must not exceed the minimum price set. Thus, to cope with this problem, BMO Online Inventory Malaysia provides a column to enable you to enter the minimum price […]

Create New Price

How to Set Recurrence Price for Item

There are many types of payment for item’s price and depending on your company, it could be a recurrence payment type. In BMO Online Inventory Malaysia, you can set annual, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly or one time payment as different type of item would require different payment’s procedure. It will be inconvenient if we are not able to […]

Create New Contact

How to Import CSV File

It is not necessary for you to upload CSV to create customer contact in BMO Online Inventory System. However, if you are currently using another inventory software and wish to switch over to BMO Inventory System, you can save time by uploading your customer contacts in bulk. Below is a simple guide to show you […]


How to Create Multiple Prices onto an Item

Since there would be different item price at different locations or countries based on its currency, we will need to state its different prices onto an item. Sometimes, the item price for different level of member category varies too. For example, the item price for a V.I.P. will definitely be lower than the regular member. […]


How to Create, Edit and Delete an Item’s Price

Before BMO Online Inventory System begins to make transactions related to the inventory, we need to create the items in BMO Inventory System and create a new price for that item. Below is a simple guide to show you how to create, edit and delete an item’s price.

Making Sales

How to Make Sales with Invoice

In BMO Online Inventory Malaysia, you can create professional invoices quickly and generate them as PDF. Making it easy for you to send the file to your customers or prospects. BMO Online Inventory Malaysia allows the inventory system flow to follow to your own company’s inventory setting. After your company decides the inventory system flow […]

Create New Contact

How to Export a CSV File

BMO Online Inventory System is capable of exporting all of your clients details from BMO inventory system for external use such as updating updating the contact list in another application. Through this method, you can create a large group of contacts quickly compared to inserting it manually, one by one. Below is a simple guide to […]

Making Sales

How to Make Sales and Delivery Item in BMO Online Inventory

As we have mentioned in previous tutorial, BMO Online Inventory Malaysia allows configuring the inventory system flow to follow to your own company inventory setting. Your company will decide and choose the inventory setting. Once the settings are applied and sales is made, the inventory setting will not be allowed to change anymore. In this […]

Making Sales

How to Make Sales with Cash Sales in BMO Online Inventory

BMO Online Inventory Malaysia allows the inventory system flow to follow to your own company inventory setting. Your company will decide and choose the inventory setting. Once the flow settings is applied into the system to make sales, the inventory setting will not be able to change anymore. In this tutorial, we will guide you […]

Create New Contact

How to Edit and Delete a Contact in BMO Inventory System

It is common that you would want to manage and edit/remove some contacts from your inventory contact list especially when your customers are no longer available or moved. BMO Online Inventory Malaysia provides this basic function that enables you to either edit or delete a contact. In this tutorial, we will guide you on how […]